Hi folks,
We are fast-approaching the April shoot dates for the live stand up comedy portions of my ‘Comedy Spectacular’ that so many of you have kindly donated to (or plan on doing so) and it felt like a good time for a more thorough update on how things are going.
As you can tell by the amazing artwork included above by artist Roan Smith, the image for the show poster is done. This is the print that will feature on the signed posters and t-shirts that many of you will receive as part of your rewards for supporting me in this endeavour. I will be emailing all of the people who have backed my crowdfunding soon with information on the live shows, how to claim your free tickets (if eligible) and when the thank you packages will be sent out to backers (including thank you videos, postcards, signed posters/t-shirts and more) for their support.
My live shows here in NYC during the month of March have been amazing. 3-5 shows every single night so far, working my ass off to perfect old bits of material, adding tags and new punchlines, working on a myriad of new material and finding the right ways to fit all of these different creative elements into one 90 min Spectacular piece of work for you to enjoy.
In 11 days time I will head to Las Vegas for a week’s run of shows (two each night) at the Comedy Cellar Las Vegas. I’m going to use this time to work the tuned-up material into a place where it’s ready to be shot live. So if you’re based in NV and want to come and watch the process grab some tickets from the links available on my ‘EVENTS’ page on the site.
Now let’s talk briefly about the live recordings…
The FIRST day of live taping will take place on APRIL 7TH at 8PM & 10PM (two shows) inside the wonderful WESTSIDE COMEDY THEATER in SANTA MONICA, CA. These two shows will be entirely free-form, with improvisation, crowd work and riffing with the fantastic audiences in attendance. If you’re trying to get your beautiful grinning faces into my spectacular you’ll want to attend one of these shows.
Tickets for 8PM show: https://www.westsidecomedy.com/events/event/jeff-leachs-comedy-spectacular-live-taping-8pm/
Tickets for 10PM show: https://www.westsidecomedy.com/events/event/jeff-leachs-comedy-spectacular-live-taping-10pm/
The SECOND day of live taping will take place on APRIL 25TH at 8PM & 10PM (two shows) inside the legendary COMEDY CELLAR in GREENWICH VILLAGE, NYC. These two shows will feature me performing all of my written and prepared material. One unadulterated hour of me waxing lyrical about the conflicts of life, love, sexuality, gender, race and humour.
The tickets for both shows will go on sale about 2 weeks prior to April 25th on the comedycellar.com website.
Anyway, back to the writing pad for me, but just another quick thank you to everyone who has donated so far, please stand by to have your thank you packages sent out towards the end of April, an update email regarding those attending live shows to go out in the next week or so and then I hope final delivery of the spectacular will happen by end of June/July. More on that to come!
I love you and I am ready to make a spectacular spectacle of myself for you very soon.
Jeff xo